G.H.A.S. System


The G.H.A.S. System facilitates and optimizes execution and completion of works, guaranteeing the stability of the components forming the main facade by means of quality elements.

This process enables us to benefit from considerable savings in energy, by improving thermal insulation and soundproofing in homes, and at the same time, eliminating condensation inside the chamber, thereby incorporating quality in building.

We offer an innovative, prestigious and safe system, which meets technical building standards to achieve a perfect finish. It is based on complete studies which have been adapted to be incorporated in several projects.

With regard to aesthetics, it eliminates common problems such as passing through slabs, which could cause problems to its shape and changes in the original colour. The main technical and economical advantages include:

  • Stability guaranteed through calculation
  • Speed in executing works
  • Considerable saving in concrete
  • Optimum control of cracks
  • Required metal elements in stainless steel
  • Improved slab partition tolerances
  • They can be easily plumbed
  • Total elimination of veneers
  • After-project guarantee
  • Complete studies to be incorporated in projects